The perception of the world around us is primarily defined by our senses, which lead and control our evaluations; our senses are permanently "online" – a fact we sometimes have to force ourselves to be conscious of , as we seem to take their use for granted.
Water, Earth, Sky – that’s how even early cultures have defined mankind’s space of experience, life and creativity. The bonds to any natural process is perfectly shown by Life´s continuous motion and transformation, like waves and floating clouds, like the facial expressions changing with moods and personal experiences.
The worlds of Water, Sky, Rain, Snow - which allow the light its permanently changing refractions - they offer to take us on a journey into our innermost.
We perceive those worlds with our eyes, spectacles, binoculars, cameras, screens and monitors – we choose a detail, we focus or we enjoy a panoramic view, without really thinking about it.
The artist has a well trained vision, a special purpose when working on formally–esthetical structures, like picture-segments, horizon, fore- and background, composition, contrasts of colour and shape or mutual tensions between creative elements.
The differentiating aspects of water, earth and sky set up a priority in my work as a painter and photographer, inspired by the possible colour and shape variations the computer offers.
The camera can freeze or fix a single moment within the phase of movement –"fixed in movement" seems even paradoxical.
The "volatility" of the moment is being fixed during its special, chemical and optical process.
That´s the way the soft shine of the "Genovese Waters" differ from the "Mysterious Waters of Stockholm", with their razorblade reflections, only to be seen in the North, waters with clear and sharp contrasts that conjure up capricious shapes on their surfaces.
The water reflects the sky – the lines between those ever changing elements start to blur – and melt within ourselves.
The subject of my artistic work results from the belief in the essential significance of a natural process in human life. Thereby I don’t intend to create a realistic copy, but I rather try to reach an essential message by deliberately condensing and reducing form, colour and contents.
‘To find the truth, means tracking
down the reality hidden behind the tangible surface of things.’
Kenkichi Kusumoto